Today I'm writing in English, it's about a world Conference, you know...
Flying to Istanbul right now I can't stop thinking of the awesome event I've been these days. When in 2013 I took the decision of dedicating my life to food and markets I could'nt imagine such a great opportunity. I'm passionate about my new job, I enjoy it almost every day,...but the best think is that my joy is not only mine, people is happy with the workshops I organize, the thing I propose,... the ideas that come to my mind are always welcomed, professionally I'm so satisfied...
The 9th Public Market Conference it's been celebrated out of the United States for the first time and Project for Publıc spaces and the Institut de Mercats de Barcelona decided to do it in our city!! Barcelona has a net of 43 public markets, and every citizen from here has one in a walking distance.
These days we're been listening to experts talking about the importance of markets. The importance in terms of social cohesion, health contribution, environment preservation, urban organization, equity, job opportunities, and many more. Architects, Social agents, non-profit organizations, politicians, journalist, chefs, market directors, market managers, ....all of them coming from 40 different countries, 78 different cities, ....
We had 3 intense days with many interesting speeches, amazing tour markets and great food.
Just one more thıng, that's what the post I wrote more than a year ago, because I really believe in all the things that have been exposed these days, it's written in Catalan, as all my post except this one. You can always use the translator, I hope you like it.
See you very soon, now I'm in Istanbul and I don't want to loose anything of this amazing city.
Moltes gràcies, Ágata pel teu comentari, però sobre tot pel teu entusiasme. Cal seguir avançant per fer els nostres mercats més competitius, més sostenibles, adaptats a les necessitats de cada ciutat i de cada barri. Seguim!